
Winston Chiong, MD, PhD

Executive Director & Associate Professor
UCSF Bioethics; Neurology

Winston Chiong is an Associate Professor in the UCSF Department of Neurology Memory and Aging Center, principal investigator of the UCSF Decision Lab, and Executive Director of UCSF Bioethics. His clinical practice focuses on Alzheimer’s disease, frontotemporal dementia and other cognitive disorders of aging.

Matty Norstad

Program Manager
UCSF Bioethics

Matty Norstad is the Program Manager for UCSF Bioethics and participates in research on the ethical and social implications of new genomic technologies, with a particular interest in data sharing, as well as the ethics and politics of affordability for genomic therapies. He holds a BA in Biology from Vassar College and an MPH in Health Policy & Management from UC Berkeley.

Sara Ackerman, PhD, MPH

Associate Professor
Social Behavioral Sciences

Alissa Sideman, PhD, MPH, MA

Assistant Professor
Institute for Health Policy Studies

Alissa Bernstein, PhD, MPH, MA is a medical anthropologist and health policy researcher focused on understanding and improving the assessment, diagnosis, and care of people with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias, with a specific focus on primary care in safety net settings. She also conducts research focused on care navigation to support people with dementia and their caregivers and building palliative care approaches in memory care settings. Dr.

Brian Block, MD

Assistant Clinical Professor

Brian Block is an Assistant Professor in the Division of Pulmonary, Allergy, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine, the Associate Director of the Medical ICU, and the Associate Director of Critical Care Ultrasound at UCSF, and the Assistant Director of Critical Care Medicine for the Pulmonary Fellowship.

Robert Brody, MD

Clinical Professor

Julia Brown, PhD

Assistant Professor
Humanities & Social Sciences

Dr. Julia Brown is an anthropologist and bioethicist who examines lived experiences and social value-making around controversial biotechnologies. She is currently exploring the ethics of prenatal gene technologies, including the emergence of prenatal gene editing. She is author of The Clozapine Clinic: Health Agency in High-Risk conditions (Routledge 2022). Dr Brown is the Associate Editor of the journal Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry, and is an affiliate of the UC Berkeley Kavli Center for Ethics, Science, and the Public.

Christine Cassel, MD

Senior Policy Advisor

Jack Chase, MD

Clinical Professor
Family Community Medicine

Jack Chase MD FAAFP FHM is a Volunteer Clinical Professor in the University of California San Francisco Department of Family and Community Medicine. He practices clinically as a hospital medicine and palliative care physician at Summit Hospital in Oakland, California.

Anna Chodos, MD, MPH

Professor of Clinical Medicine

Dr. Anna Chodos is an Associate Professor of Medicine in the Division of General Internal Medicine at Zuckerberg San Francisco General and the Division of Geriatrics, both within the Department of Medicine at UCSF. Her clinical work is in outpatient specialty care in geriatrics and dementia care. Her academic work is focused on understanding the unmet needs of older adults who are seen in primary care in the safety net, especially those who who are living with dementia.

Rebecca DeBoer, MD, MA

Assistant Clinical Professor

Rebecca (Becky) DeBoer, MD, MA is an Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine in the Division of Hematology/Oncology at UCSF and an attending medical oncologist at Zuckerberg San Francisco Hospital (SFGH). She has an academic background in bioethics and global health, and prior clinical experience working as an oncology clinician at Butaro Hospital in rural Rwanda with the NGO Partners In Health.

Daniel Dohan, PhD

Prof in Residence
Institute for Health Policy Studies

Dan Dohan is Professor of Health Policy, Surgery, and Humanities and Social Sciences at the Philip R. Lee Institute for Health Policy Studies. He received his PhD in sociology from UC Berkeley. His publications address medical sociology, health policy, culture and inequality, and ethnographic research methods. He has written one book, The Price of Poverty: Money, Work, and Culture in the Mexican-American Barrio (UC Press 2003).
